Час роботи казино

Понеділок: 12:00 - 04:00
Вівторок: 12:00 - 04:00
Середа: 12:00 - 04:00
Четвер: 12:00 - 04:00
П'ятниця: 12:00 - 04:00
Субота: 12:00 - 06:00
Неділя: 12:00 - 06:00

Ігри в залах казино

  • Блекджек
  • Ігрові автомати

Переваги Казино

  • Готель

Millionaires Casino Accra Контакти

Телефон: +233 24 899 2127
Мінімальний вік 18
Валюти USD
Сайт http://millionairesaccra.com/
Ім'я власника Millionaires Gaming Africa

Методи оплати

  • Cash
  • Visa
  • Mastercard

Розташування казино

Відгуки гравців про казино Millionaires Casino Accra (1)

  • Rabbil
    Переваги: Hello
    Good evening
    Please am Rabbil
    I remember going to OSU dragon for sight seeing but a lady friend who took me inside the dragon casino was playing card game and I was just watching and when she was loosing,she then started complaining and now I have send my application to millionaire casino for an employment but they said because of what the lady friend did on the table in dragon casino OSU so you won't give me the job. What's my crime . I didn't do anything at all and they know I didn't do anything so then why are they using someone else's attitude to judge me, so because that millionaire casino 37 says they won't employ me because of that insident. Please my name is Rabbil Akill and am a dealer not a trouble maker. Please what happened at dragon casino OSU some months back has nothing to do with me so please consider me and give me the job.
    Недоліки: Hello
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