Vorteile: This is only the second time I've been in this place you all have many souvenirs displayed after spending well over $400 dollars gambling & winning nothing which is not the issue the issue is that I was unable to purchase any of your souvenirs SERIOUSLY?????? WHAT A JOKE especially because you apparently have to have tickets in order to get any again joke this is a casino not an arcade total POOR MANAGEMENT DEFINITELY won't return if your management was smart they could make millions more in revenue GAURINTEE those souvenirs will sit on your shelf/wall forever also none of the kid games are even available to play to even try to earn tickets thought I was at a bar/casino not a kiddie play house
Nachteile: Again thought I was at a bar/casino not a kid arcade change your policy & make it possible to purchase your souvenirs especially after gambling hundreds of dollars & not able to buy anything you have displayed total joke definitely will not come back here I GAURINTEE they will sit on your shelf for years when you could be making probably millions by selling them
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